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項目介紹 Project Introduction


透過一系列 B2B 的推廣活動,包括在深圳、上海及日本東京的禮品貿易展覽會中 設立香港館、舉辦分享會、製作介紹香港禮品業優勢的宣傳片及在社交媒體上作宣傳等,協助香港禮品業打入內地及日本市場,務求為香港禮品業中小企與亞太地區的潛在買家建立聯繫,並達致宣傳香港禮品業創意設計、獨特、高品質整體形象的成效。

To raise the awareness of Hong Kong’s gift enterprise capabilities and creative quality image in the Asia-Pacific market, IEA has successfully applied to the Trade and Industrial Organisation Support Fund from the HKSAR government Trade and Industry Department for the project “To enhance the recognition of high quality assurance and creative designs of Hong Kong giftware in the Mainland and Japan”.

Through a series of B2B promotional activities, including setting up Hong Kong pavilions in gift trade shows in Shenzhen, Shanghai and Tokyo Japan, organising sharing sessions, producing promotional videos on the strengths of Hong Kong’s gift industry and publicising on social media, etc., to assist Hong Kong’s gift industry in penetrating into the Mainland and Japanese markets, with a view to connecting Hong Kong’s SMEs in the gift industry with potential buyers in the Asia-Pacific region, and promoting the creativity, design, uniqueness and high quality image of Hong Kong’s gift industry.

香港禮品業Hong Kong Giftware Industry

香港禮品業的產品種類繁多,如手錶、珠寶首飾、服飾、文具用品、玩具公仔等。香港的禮品製造業以其發達的配套工業如模具製造業、金屬業、紡織業、CAD/CAM 等而聞名。香港的禮品出口主要面向中高檔市場,憑創意設計及品質優良取勝。香港禮品中小企觸覺敏銳,善於應對不斷轉變的市場需求,香港禮品融合了東西方文化元素,提供廣泛的視覺吸引力產品。並以注重產品品質、嚴格遵守產品國際品質標準安全及環保規例見稱。,如ISO 9001、EN71玩具安全標準和RoHS有害物質限制指令等,亦有著嚴格的協力廠商測試確保高品質和安全的產品,以增強買家的信心。

香港穩健的知識產權保護制度,可以有效地保護原創品牌公司的創意和創新成果,為企業提供了有利的環境,投資於產品設計和研發,從而建立自家獨有品牌。“Made by Hong Kong”的原產地效應, 亦令香港禮品業一直在國際市場保持良好的聲譽, 獲得中國大陸和海外消費者的認可。

The Hong Kong giftware industry offers a diverse range of products, including watches, jewelry, clothing, stationery, and toy figures. It is renowned for its well-developed ancillary industries, such as mold-making, metal, textile, and CAD/CAM. Hong Kong’s giftware exports primarily target the middle-to-high-end market, standing out with creative designs and high quality. Hong Kong’s giftware SMEs are highly responsive to changing market demands and adept at integrating Eastern and Western cultural elements into their visually appealing products. They are also known for their focus on product quality and strict adherence to international quality standards, safety, and environmental regulations, such as ISO 9001, EN71 for toy safety, and RoHS for hazardous substances. These companies also undergo rigorous third-party testing to ensure high-quality and safe products, thereby enhancing buyer confidence.

Hong Kong’s robust intellectual property protection system effectively safeguards the creativity and innovation of original brand manufacturing companies, providing a favorable environment for investment in product design and development, and establishing unique brands. The “Made by Hong Kong” country-of-origin effect has helped the Hong Kong giftware industry maintain a strong reputation in the international market, gaining recognition from consumers in Mainland China and overseas.

宣傳短片 Promotional Video

Coming Soon


Funded by Trade and Industrial Organisation Support Fund,
Trade and Industry Department

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Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material/event (or by members of the project team) do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or the Vetting Committee of the Trade and Industrial Organisation Support Fund.