September 24, 2015 In News

CSI6 2016 項目管理及執行招標


Innovative Entrepreneur Association (IEA) has been organizing the Cross Industry Matching Showcase since 2011 with the funding support from Create Hong Kong. This “Cross Industry Matching” project aims to promote creativity and innovation in Hong Kong by inspiring cross industries matching between local innovative and design industries with the commercial sectors.

This year is the 6th year of this project which IEA aims at some innovative and creative approach to further move this project to another vertex by exploring the cross boarder matching and more local market showcase chances. The objective is creating a cross industries matching platform for local designers and enterprises from Hong Kong or China as well as arising the public awareness. We anticipate the proposal will contain brand new highlights in this objective.


To facilitate cross industry collaboration between local designers and enterprises by the following activities:

a) To handle the liaison and documentation between all parties including our association, Create Hong Kong and the exhibition venue provider in order to facilitate the feasibility of this CSI6 project.

b) To organize or co-organize with a party that agreed by Create Hong Kong and our association a Cross Industry Matching Showcase in a venue and date with track record. We expect the show can reach at least 14,000 unique visitors.

c) To organize seminars and press conference to market and promote the program to the public

d) To organize or co-organize with shopping malls that agreed by Create Hong Kong and our association a Brand Building and Retailing Showcase to raise public awareness in shopping malls and date with track record.

e) To give proposal in encouraging cross boarder cultural exchange and matching with
mainland China innovative and design industries as well as enterprises.

f) To manage a Flexible Web and Mobile Compatible Platform for “Matching Your Designers” with flexible designers’ database and showcase for designers to self-manage and self-promote their own designs and masterpieces for their potential clients. The system should also contain user-friendly admin panel to update content as well as create form for submission and data collection dynamically. Summary of data collected must be easy to extract or downloadable.

g) To organize workshops to train up the exhibitors and local designers in creative industry with business communication, sales and marketing concept, client management skills to increase the number of successful matching cases.

h) To organize a Mentoring Scheme for designers.


Deadline of submission
15 March 2016


Please download the full document here.